I learned quite a bit during this process, namely:
- You can easily find and use Fedora images in the AWS community AMIs.
- OpenShift Origin has been packaged for Fedora 24 - who doesn't like new?
- It's easy to install the OpenShift Origin PaaS and get started.
Let's chat a bit about what I'm using, what I had set up before this, and what I had to do to meet my goal. I am using:
- Fedora AMI with the ID of ami-0a09e667 (Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160512.n.0.x86_64-us-east-1-HVM-standard-0).
- For my testing, I'm using a m4.2xlarge instance of that AMI.
- I had an existing VPC that I launched the Fedora 24 instance into. The only things to know about that is that I have DNS hostnames enabled on that VPC.
- I have an existing subnet in that VPC that I launched this into.
- I have an existing route table in that VPC with an internet gateway defined so my instance can get out.
- I created a new security group on instance launch for testing this.
I do need to prep AWS a bit before moving on. I'll use the AWS CLI to do this. I do have an AWS CLI cheat sheet that may help if you have questions about querying resources, launching resources, describing, etc.. Have a look. To move forward, I need to know what OpenShift Origin needs. I found that the OpenShift Origin documentation is great. Please have a look if you have any questions. That's what I did. I went to the docs | installing | prerequisites and started there. I'll just walk through the prerequisites here and share what I did.